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    Ken Goodfelow

    Ken Goodfelow
    • CEO / President
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      It started with…
      Working with Coach Ken is an experience that changes peoples lives. Imagine having a coach that understands your business better than anyone and also knows the exact steps needed to build your business into the dream operation you’ve always wanted.

      You have worked hard in the business. You’ve sacrificed, persevered and are recognized for your success. Your goal now is to build a highly successful team that generates exciting profits and where you become the CEO.

      Ken has extensive experience working with the “Who’s Who” in the real estate industry along with well known circuit coaches and brand leaders. Having successfully owned, operated and sold his personal real estate brokerage and subsequently his real estate team, Ken is uniquely qualified to advise and coach others wanting to achieve unparalleled success.

      Get In Touch

      A 30 Minute Call Could Change Your Life.
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      Discovery Call
      All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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