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    Acquiring the Right Talent

    Acquiring the Right Talent

    Think of each individual working in your business as a chemical element. They have specific characteristics, and they behave in certain ways under different conditions. Each element may react to heat, pressure or contact with another element differently. When 7 Carbon, 8 Hydrogen, 4 Nitrogen and 2 Oxygen come together, they make up Theobromine(C7H8N4O2 ), the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate. On the other hand, with 5 Carbon, 5 Hydrogen and 1 Nitrogen you get Pyridine(C5H5N), a highly flammable, water-soluble liquid characterized by a smell similar to rotting fish. ⠀

    Now the important question is, how does your business end up with chocolates rather than the smell of rotting fish?

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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