Coach Ken International

All Disciplines Affect Each Other

All Disciplines Affect Each Other

Everything affects everything else. Some aspects affect us more than others, but everything we do is connected to everything else we do – whether we realize it or not. This is where errors, big or small, can occur.

There is a tendency for us to grant ourselves license to continue an undisciplined act. We justify it by telling ourselves, “This is the only area in which I allow myself to indulge or be weak.” This trajectory of thinking is where reality blurs into delusion. Each undisciplined act opens the floodgates to other breakdowns in the chain of self-discipline. The license we give to ourselves to wander outside the boundaries of self-control establishes a subtle tendency, and the passing of time will eventually cause other self-imposed disciplines to erode. ⠀

Since every discipline affects every other discipline, you must be careful with all of them. Don’t allow yourself the luxury of repeating the same error on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Remember, every liberty we give ourselves to continue with an error affects all of our other good habits, which in time affects our future performance.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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