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    Are You Prepared To Make Your Business Grow?

    Are You Prepared To Make Your Business Grow?

    This may seem like a simple question. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make your business grow? Because… If you’re not, it’s time to get out of the business.

    Now, stop yourself before you answer automatically because without thinking very hard about it, you’ll say, “Yes, of course. I get up every day, go to work, and of course, I want my business to grow.” Wanting your real estate business or brokerage to grow, and being willing to do what it takes to make your business grow are two very different things.

    The key to (almost) everything:

    I’ll tell you a secret to (almost) everything. First and foremost, it’s mindset.

    Mindset makes a huge difference in how you approach problems. It makes a huge difference in how you plan for the future. And… it also can help you answer that question about managing your real estate business or brokerage, and whether you really, really are prepared to do what it takes to work on growing it into something more.

    Why is it the key to ALMOST everything? Because without the mindset, you’re not going to be able to do the rest.

    The other secret to growth:

    If you really have the correct mindset, no one should really be surprised that the other secret to growth is work, right? NOPE! That’s a little too simplistic because just working hard is not going to cut it.

    The secret really is knowing what needs to be done and actually doing it. We tend to have lots of reasons for not doing what we know we need to do. There’s no time, I don’t like doing it, I am not good at doing it, and on and on. This is a clear path to nowhere.

    Creating a well-thought-out business plan now will help immensely with clear direction on what needs to be done, and who needs to do it along with effective tracking for completed tasks.

    Real estate is a people business, and if you’re in this business and you want to grow, then you need to do things every day that get you business. And that’s not sitting in front of a computer. Create a plan and work that plan.

    So, you want to grow. How open are you to working hard smart?

    Where do you go for help from here?

    A short plug here – we do a lot of In-Office Assessments where we look at your standard operating procedures, your marketing, and your financials. We’ll give you a report, and then we’ll give you some actions.

    This In-Office Assessment can help you out a lot if you’re struggling with exactly how to work on achieving the next level of growth. But it might also help you decide if you’re at a point where you really aren’t at a place where you want to continue to grow the business yourself.

    And really – it is okay, if you’re not in a place where you yourself want to keep growing the business. People need to grow just as much as businesses do. It might just be time for you to start thinking about Succession Planning instead, so you can grow and move forward in a different way. Remember, a good succession plan takes about 5-7 years to do properly, so even if you still think you have a little more ‘juice’ in you, you might want to think about longer term plans.

    Either way, we can help. Reach out to us today for a consultation, and we’ll see what we can do to get you growing.

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