Coach Ken International

Balancing Tactical and Strategic Leadership

Balancing Tactical and Strategic Leadership

To continue to have the edge in your market, you always need to think bigger than the average person thinks is possible. The first thing you should do is adopt a trait that all the great top producers exhibit and become skilled at making both strategic and tactical decisions. What’s the difference? Tactical leadership is doing things right. Strategic leadership is doing the right things.

The 1% real estate agents and business leaders are visionaries, not just one-trick ponies; they’re always plotting their organization’s next big move. In other words, if you see a way to improve your business, you’d better have the vision and the guts to pull the trigger, even if the naysayers say it can’t be done. You will also be better able to execute. Don’t forget, while you’re gazing into your crystal ball, you also need to be operating your business, and that’s where your tactical leadership comes into play.

Your goal should be generating so much value to your clients that your competition isn’t even thinking about the future. Why? They’re too busy trying to keep up with everything you’re doing right now. Strategy-tactics is the yin-yang of leadership. The ability to hover towards your real estate organization’s greater vision while staying grounded in the day-to-day is mental multitasking of the highest degree. It’s a balancing act of having one foot in the now and one foot in the future.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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