Coach Ken International

Clarity of the Situation


Feeling like you’re stuck at some point in your life (whether that’s personal or in business) is normal, but it doesn’t have to be common. Choosing to get unstuck is the first step to a path of living a life of authenticity that will reignite a burning passion towards your higher purpose. So how do you unshackle yourself? ⠀ ⠀

First, you must surrender to you being stuck. No resistance, just acceptance of your current situation. After you have fully accepted what is you are now in alignment to shed what no longer serves you. You then get clear on your goals and begin building new habits by taking positive action that is in alignment with your newly created vision of your future. ⠀ ⠀

Remember, consistency is key. The 21/90 rule is a general rule, the numbers may depend on the person, simply means it takes 21 days to build a habit and 90 days to cultivate a lifestyle. It’s no good taking action for a few days and then taking a break for a few days. You must be committed to your action plan day in and day out. A clear action plan + consistency = achieved goals. ⠀ ⠀

Feeling stuck isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, on many occasions, it’s a guiding light that tells us that we are supposed to live at a higher level than our current situation. If you’re feeling stuck, take it as an opportunity for life-changing growth and living a more mindful and authentic life. I promise you, once you start your journey of getting unstuck you’ll be more engaged with your surrounding, your optimism and creativity increase and you will develop a resilience you’ll be proud of a year from now. Have a great weekend everyone!

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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