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    Communication Leadership Motivation


    Here is a reminder to the key principles for motivating others. ⠀

    • Be motivated yourself. If you are not fully committed and enthusiastic, how can you expect others to be? ⠀⠀
    • Select people who are highly motivated. It is not easy to motivate the unwilling. Therefore, choose those who have the seeds of high motivation within them.
    • Set realistic and challenging targets. The better the team and its members, the more they will respond to objectives that stretch them, providing these are realistic.
    • Remember that progress motivates. If you never give people feedback on how they are progressing, you will soon demotivate them. ⠀
    • Provide fair rewards. Not easy. Do you reward the whole team, each individual, or both? Either way, the perception of unfair rewards certainly works against motivation.
    • Give recognition. This costs you nothing, but praise and recognition based upon performance are the oxygen of the human spirit.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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