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    Creativity is a Probability Game

    Creativity is a Probability Game

    It’s common for entrepreneurs to become disheartened after the first couple of failures and stop trying new ideas, but the mark of a top producer is that failure is an essential part of success. Nature creates multiple species and lets a process of natural selection decide which will survive. Ninety-five percent of new species die, and only a few strongest survive. Top producers know that, just like in nature, you need to implement multiple ideas to create a successful real estate business and let the market decide which will survive.

    Research shows that successful artists, composers, scientists, writers and entrepreneurs not only succeed more often than others but also fail significantly more. They know that Creativity is a probability game, and the more ideas you implement, the more successful ones will be among them. If you want to become top of your game in the real estate industry, make sure that your attitude towards failures is as follows: “Creativity is a probability game. I am excited to fail because the more I fail, the more successful I become.”

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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