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    Delaying Gratification

    Delaying Gratification

    There are no shortcuts on the road to success, and reaching your full potential requires you to demonstrate willpower to resist short-term temptation continually. The ability to delay getting what you want now to get more later is instrumental in both personal and business success. Many studies have attributed self-discipline as more important than IQ when predicting academic success, and the ability to delay gratification is associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety. ⠀

    Whether your goal is to scale your business in the next year, reach company milestones or prepare for an exit strategy, it’s much more important to play the long game by establishing realistic expectations and not necessarily expect to see results tomorrow. Instead, be willing to commit to the long haul, and you’ll increase the chances that you’ll be able to reach your goals.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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