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    Being Disorganized is a Waste of Time

    Being Disorganized is a Waste of Time

    Take a hard and objective look at your business. Are you constantly pulled from one direction to another? Are you running around like a chicken with its head cut off? Do you wake up in the middle of the night because you just remembered something you forgot to do? Are you constantly reacting to everything that comes your way? Do you fail to keep your promises to your clients because you forgot you made them or didn’t have the time or the energy to fulfill them? Are you keeping in touch with your past clients? Do you follow the same procedures for each client? Are those procedures written down in checklist format? ⠀

    How much of your business are lacking clear systems and processes? That’s the first question you ought to ask. A good coach will analyze and dissect every part of your business and reconstruct it in a way where systems are streamlined, efficiencies are maximized, and more freedom for you is created while producing more impact for your clients and your business.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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