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    Don’t Predict Rain, Build an Arc

    Don’t Predict Rain, Build an Arc

    You can’t predict the future, and if there’s anything certain in life, it’s that curveballs will be thrown your way. You may be able to predict some of these curveballs, but you won’t be able to predict them all. ⠀

    So how do you protect yourself in phases of uncertainty? You build a foundation for yourself to deal with things you cannot necessarily anticipate or control. The quality of your foundation will enable you to navigate through stormy waters and back to calmer ones. ⠀

    Coaching explores how people work, how people deal with risk and uncertainty, and how their behaviors are influenced by their situations, relationships, and environments. With a good coach, you build an ark together to not only maneuver through the storm but to discover new worlds of possibility. Your ark is comprised of your set of processes, practices, behaviors, and attitudes that protect you through challenging times and enable you to capitalize on the opportunities that come your way. ⠀

    The future will adhere to how solid your ark is, so focus on the ark.⠀

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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