Coach Ken International

Establish More Than a Wishlist

Establish More Than a Wishlist - Coach Ken International

Often, top producers formulate strategy and then broadcast key themes to the rest of their team or brokerage, expecting quick and definitive action. But even if you set a winning aspiration, your strategy can still fail—spectacularly— if you fail to establish management systems that support those choices and capabilities. Without a clear action plan and supporting structures, systems, and a tangible way to measure success, your strategy remains a wish list, a set of goals that may or may not ever be achieved.

To truly win in your market, your real estate organization needs a clear process for creating, reviewing, and communicating about strategy; it needs structures to support its core capabilities; and it needs specific measures to ensure that the strategy is working. These management systems are necessary to complete the strategic choice cascade and ensure effective action throughout the organization.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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