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    Focus is About Commitment

    Focus is About Commitment

    Success in any area of life doesn’t just happen to you. Likewise, business success doesn’t just happen to you. Everything comes down to your choices – what you choose to focus on and the intensity of that focus. ⠀ ⠀
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    The truth is, ANYBODY can succeed, which shouldn’t be confused with EVERYBODY can succeed. ⠀ ⠀
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    Why people are unable to achieve consistent focus can be attributed to many variables. Still, those who focus on a day-to-day, week to week, month to month level of consistency will see results. It’s not luck. It’s inevitable. ⠀ ⠀
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    In other words, focus is about commitment. Commitment to the pursuit of your business vision, commitment to your team, and a commitment to yourself to stay consistent. ⠀

    The future of your real estate business depends directly on your ability to focus in the right direction. The direction of your focus determines the targets you hit. Aim low, and you will hit low targets. Aim high, and you’ll increase the chances of hitting higher targets. ⠀

    Just remember that when you aim low, only a stray bullet hits a high target.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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