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    Form Real Connections With Clients

    Form Real Connections With Clients

    Top producers have emotional connections to their clients. It can’t be based on cold, impersonal transactions—there has to be some bond at the center of it all. To foster this bond, you must get out there and meet them yourself. Don’t let your ego stand in the way of doing your job. Talk to your customers like they are your friends. I mean, don’t talk at them—have a real conversation with them. Look them in the eye, and listen to what they genuinely have to say – both what they say and how they say it. Prick up your ears. It’s amazing what you can find out when you aren’t just waiting for your chance to talk.

    I’ve seen a lot of agents in my day make the mistake of doing “client outreach” who end up talking to customers like they’re politicians on the campaign trail. They typically love hearing the sound of their voice, so the conversations are often one-sided.

    Remember, when speaking to people, leave your ego at the door and get real, so your customers can get real with you. That way, you can collect some real, raw, and useful information that isn’t skewed to any preconceived assumption.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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