Coach Ken International

The Future’s Price Tag

The Future’s Price Tag

The promise of the future is not free. There is a price to be paid for any future reward. The price involves consistency and discipline, labor coupled with a burning desire to make the future better than the past or present. The price gets easier when the promise becomes clear. When you see the outcome with absolute clarity, an insatiable desire starts to generate momentum. And you must hold on to the momentum and never let go, or the price required to manifest your desired future will fall back to where you once were.

When you plan your future so clearly with a strong reason to do so, you will inevitably become so inspired by it that it will be your magnificent obsession. The challenge is to let this obsession fuel the fire that heats your talent and skills to the boiling point where the only outcome is the one you desire. As you become serious about designing the future in advance, you derive an immediate emotional benefit. The more clearly you see the future and the more keenly you sense its promise, the more positive your attitude becomes, which will ultimately achieve your dreams.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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