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    Happier With Processes


    Clients are people. They need guidance and structure. People love boundaries. Children, teenagers, and toddlers are all happier with boundaries and routine. When in a new environment, which your clients will be, they are looking for structure and guidance or they become overwhelmed. It can be terrifying if you’ve ever joined an online course or a new learning environment. The new people, the resources, and the locations can be overwhelming to people, so they look for structure. If you’re talking to a new customer, don’t take for granted how much you know. Your clients have probably never gone through this before. Perhaps it’s their first time purchasing a house or purchasing it in a completely different city or neighborhood they know very little about. They need to know what’s going to happen. If you write up a six-step infographic explaining the high-level steps you’re going to take, they’ll love that there’s a map, a process, or a guide to what’s going to happen.

    Processes sometimes get a rap because people think it’s too canned, templated, and stock. Listen to your clients, and they’ll tell you the changes you need to make in your process. It’s about balance, being flexible, but not a walkover. Customers might not say they love processes, but they do. Even if they don’t realize they’re in one, they are much happier when they’re doing it.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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