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    Key Roles of a Coach

    Coaches assume many key roles: consultant, orchestrater, advisor, challenger, and helper. ⠀

    ✔️ Creates an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. ⠀
    ✔️ Presents all sides of the leaders ’decisions about which gaps to address. ⠀
    ✔️ Focuses on the leader’s individual needs, based on the overall needs of the organization. ⠀
    ✔️Interprets the 360 – degree results and provides feedback as it relates to the leader’s organizational culture, but not clouded by personal biases or prejudice ⠀

    ✔️ Has access to and recommends a variety of learning opportunities. ⠀
    ✔️ Introduces the leader to new experiences. ⠀
    ✔️Schedules uninterrupted time with the leader to discuss progress, ideas, setbacks, and next steps. ⠀
    ✔️ Acts as a catalyst to help the leader achieve objectives. ⠀

    ✔️ Provides guidance, support, and information and answers questions. ⠀
    ✔️ Provides insight into the organization’s needs, its culture, and other leaders.
    ✔️ Suggests developmental needs and recommends appropriate strategies. ⠀
    ✔️ Acts as a sounding board for ideas and concerns. ⠀

    ✔️ Gives honest feedback — candid, constructive, and positive. ⠀
    ✔️ Asks powerful questions to stimulate learning and reflection. ⠀
    ✔️ Encourages the leader to explore new directions or think from a different perspective. ⠀
    ✔️ Questions congruency between the leader’s style, values, ideals, and the organization. ⠀

    ✔️ Builds a trusting relationship with the leader. ⠀
    ✔️ Gets to know the leader well. ⠀
    ✔️ Motivates the leader to continue to achieve high-quality success. ⠀
    ✔️ Guides the leader to resources to assist with problems or concerns.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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