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    Leading With Purpose


    When was the last time you stepped back and looked into the mirror? When was the last time you challenged your old answers and ways of doing things and looked for the underlying substance of your leadership? ⠀

    We may think that leading on purpose is an unaffordable luxury in a challenging business environment. But “caring” is a thriving skill. Talented performers care about their customers, colleagues, and the organization’s thriving. They yearn to use their core strengths on things they genuinely care about. Put purpose-workers up against people who simply work for status and a paycheck, and who do you think will win? ⠀

    When leaders lead on purpose, they aren’t motivated exclusively by external benefits like money or a job title. They are motivated from within—and stand a far better chance of being effective in leading and successful in their careers.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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