Coach Ken International

Learn to Delegate

Learn to Delegate

Many top producers start as one-person armies. They think they can either do almost everything or think they are not in the position to hire anyone – especially superstars like them. Now, think of what just one top-producer, whether on the sales or administration side, could do for your business. What could you focus on and accomplish if you had someone expertly handling your operations or administration staff? How much faster could your real estate business grow? I’ve shown many top producers who didn’t think they needed to hire and delegate the tasks they thought they could do themselves. This is a profound breakthrough for most growing real estate organizations and can reshape your entire company almost overnight. So if you think you can’t possibly hire or don’t need a superstar right now, think again. ⠀

Take a moment to list three initiatives that you would love to hire someone to execute in which the reward could be great if the person did an excellent job for you. Next to each initiative, write down what it could mean to your team or brokerage and your bottom line-estimate its monetary value. Now list what you could afford to pay such people if they performed. If the reward is big enough, you can always get people who will share in the reward.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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