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    Obsession Can Be Productive


    he term “focus” consists of two activities: choosing a few priorities and then dedicating your efforts toward excelling at them. Many people prioritize a few items at work, but they don’t obsess—they simply do less. That’s a mistake.

    Over my 20+ years of coaching high-performing real estate agents, those who chose a few key priorities a day/week/month and channeled tremendous effort into doing exceptional work in those areas dramatically outperformed those who pursued a wider range of priorities. ⠀

    We often disparage obsessions in our daily lives, viewing them as dangerous or debilitating. But sometimes, obsession can be a productive force. ⠀

    What are you willing to slash in your daily, weekly, or monthly priorities so you can obsess over the high-priority items and maximize your performance?

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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