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    Overcoming Obstacles

    Overcoming Obstacles

    Instead of “quitting” the job because things at times seem overwhelming, that obstacles needed to master and difficulties needed to be overcome, see the facts for what they truly are, that life itself is just a long series of mastering obstacles. The measure of a leader is the extent to which they adapt themself to their environment and accept responsibility for every adversity to which they meet. You either understand this truth or spend your life being punished for not accepting it. ⠀

    You need to continually take massive action to persevere over your unique obstacles head-on – day in, day out. It’s not until we are pricked, and stung, and sorely shot at that we awaken to the indignation that ignites the force in which we can persevere. Remember, our strength grows out of our weakness. This is what highly successful people understand.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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