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    Success must be attracted

    Personal value is the magnet that attracts all good things into our lives: the greater your value, the greater your reward. Since the solution for having more is becoming more, you must constantly search for new ways to increase your value....

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    Clarity of the Situation

    Feeling like you’re stuck at some point in your life (whether that’s personal or in business) is normal, but it doesn’t have to be common. Choosing to get unstuck is the first step to a path of living a life of authenticity that will ...

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    Less Ego More Empathy

    These four words enhance work relationships because they scrub the vagueness out of communication. Ultimately, success depends on how well you communicate your ideas and how well you receive feedback. Conversations aren’t competitions....

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    Life is How You React to It

    Don’t underestimate the influence attitude has on every situation. Good or bad, never be so attached to an event in your life to the point where it starts to define your self-worth and self-esteem. ⠀ ⠀ If you find yourself in an un...

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    Happier With Processes

    Clients are people. They need guidance and structure. People love boundaries. Children, teenagers, and toddlers are all happier with boundaries and routine. When in a new environment, which your clients will be, they are looking for structu...

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    Get More of What You’ve Got

    The important thing to know about automation and creating processes is that they work both ways. If you have efficient, cost-effective, and time-productive systems, writing up and automating that process will scale the positive effects expo...

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    Power of Your Thoughts

    Whether it’s a red car or a yellow car, joy or sadness, failure or opportunity, your focus is the gravitational pull that generates your reality and experience in this world. Be aware of your thoughts, and choose wisely. Ken Goodfellow...

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    Spend Time Better

    There are critical and non-critical aspects of your real estate business. Ask any top producer making $1,000,000 in GCI, and they will tell you that there are high-thought, high-value, and low-thought, low-value tasks. Most people treat the...

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    Choice That Help You Grow

    The most effective approach to eliminating fear is continually exposing yourself to the thing that scares you by starting small and building tolerance as you work your way up. Whether it’s phobias, anxiety disorders, or fears in your pers...

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    Imagination is the powerful technology-coach-ken

    Imagination is the Powerful Technology

    Everything begins with imagination. It’s the fuel that creates great businesses, super start teams, and innovation. It’s the most powerful force in the universe because what you persistently imagine can manifest into reality. Don’t ta...

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    Discovery Call
    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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