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    Question the Purpose of Tasks

    Question the Purpose of Tasks

    Developing a mission statement to guide the work of an organization is an executive-level decision that requires care and constructive thought. All tasks and objectives oug...

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    Fears Become Limits

    Fears Become Limits

    One of the biggest differentiators of top producers is their ability to confront fear head-on. Their success correlates to their willingness to do what is uncomfortable, especially what they fear. In a world where most seek familiarity, the tra...

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    Bottleneck at the Head of the Bottle

    Bottleneck at the Head of the Bottle

    The bottleneck is at the head of the bottle,” goes the old saw. No business is likely to be better than its top management or perform better than they do, and this is especially true for a real estate business. A real estate business—es...

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    Strategy is a Hypothesis

    Strategy is a Hypothesis

    The essence of strategy is to perform activities differently from competitors to provide a unique and sustainable competitive advantage. Strategy can be broken down into a set of actions and systems that propel towards a clear and defined v...

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    Concentration is Everything

    Concentration is Everything

    The fact is that you don’t have time to do everything in life, and the good news is that not everything in life is worth doing anyway. Concentrate on the smallest number of activities that will focus on the greatest productivity. Focus on...

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    A Leader is like a Tailor

    A Leader is like a Tailor

    Leadership and management involve numerous activities: establishing the vision, defining the core objectives, making sure that resources are applied to the right tasks, making effective decisions, implementing and following up on these deci...

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    Culture is the Vehicle

    Culture is the Vehicle

    Strategy is essential, and you have to get it right. However, strategy is the art and science to get all variables working together, and yet the most impactful and most volatile of those variables are people. People decide to perform or lea...

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    Acquiring the Right Talent

    Acquiring the Right Talent

    Think of each individual working in your business as a chemical element. They have specific characteristics, and they behave in certain ways under different conditions. Each element may react to heat, pressure or contact with another elemen...

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    Time Management

    Time Management

    Time Management & Personal Organization Benefits associated with Time Management and Personal Organizational Skills include: ) Increased productivity: Time Management and Personal Organizational Skills can help individuals to use ...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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