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    Take Calculated Risks

    Take Calculated Risks

    The level of risk you’ll experience in a given situation is unique to you. Ask yourself the following questions to help you calculate your risk level: What are the potential costs? What are the potential benefits? How will thi...

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    Ken Goodfellow

    Strong Processes Make A Saleable Business

    By creating efficient systems and processes, you will ensure that all the right steps are being completed, that your team is working together toward a common goal, and that they are holding one another accountable. They guide your team on w...

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    Always Strive for Improvement

    Always Strive for Improvement

    Never let your past or current success overshadow the fact that there is always room to improve – always room to get better. Daily, weekly and monthly tweaks and optimizations can yield tremendous results, both personally and for your bus...

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    Execution Creates Opportunity

    Execution Creates Opportunity

    A life lesson that will remind you time and again is that acting now, even when it feels uncomfortable or unnatural, sets the universe in motion for further motion. This law of inertia creates a force field of opportunity. Confidence, focus...

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    Ask the Right Questions

    Ask the Right Questions

    Top producers are top salespeople, and top salespeople ask powerful questions. Powerful questions allow you to understand the client’s goals and motivators. They work with clients to inspire a shared vision. When you tie your service with...

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    Rethink the Bottom Line

    Rethink the Bottom Line

    How do you figure out the bottom line for your real estate organization? In many cases, the bottom line is literally the bottom line. Profit determines whether you are succeeding. But dollars should not always be the primary measure of success....

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    Lead With Strong Values

    Lead With Strong Values

    People expect their leaders to speak out on matters of values and conscience. But to speak out, leaders have to know what to speak about. To stand up for their beliefs, they have to know what they stand for. To walk the talk, to do what the...

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    Tailor to the Customer

    Tailor to the Customer

    This is a crucial lesson in today’s market. You can’t make customers adjust to you anymore; those days are over. Instead, you have to tailor your experience to them and make them feel like part of your family. This is especially true...

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    Assess Your Personal Influence

    Assess Your Personal Influence

    When changes are not being implemented as expected, there is a tendency for a leader to cast blame on outside forces. However, blaming doesn’t usually work very well. A better alternative is for leaders to find ways to expand their influe...

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    The Millionaire Agent Mindset

    The Millionaire Agent Mindset

    Whenever I consult with agents and CEOs, I am always interested in their thought processes and overall approach to doing things. I would ask a series of critical questions embedded in my conversations, and usually within 30 minutes, I could...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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