Coach Ken International

Problems are behavioral

Problems are behavioral

There’s a reason I devote so much energy to identifying interpersonal challenges in top producers. The higher you go, the more your problems are behavioral. ⠀

At the higher levels of your real estate organization, all the top producers are already very experienced in their target market. They’re all smart. They’re all well-versed in market sentiment, trends, and the pain points of their current and future clients.

That’s why addressing behavioral issues become crucial at higher levels. All things being equal, your people skills (or lack of them) become more pronounced the higher you go. Even real estate agents or team leaders who are not at the top can still reply on great people skills to accelerate their success. ⠀

Think about how we perceive other successful people. We rarely associate their success with technical skill or even brainpower. Maybe we say, “They’re smart,” but that’s not the sole factor we attribute to their success. We believe they’re smart and something else. At some point, we give them the benefit of the doubt on skill issues. We assume our doctor knows medicine, so we judge him on “bedside manner” issues—how they tolerate our questions or deliver bad news. ⠀

When people ask me if the top producers I coach can really change their behavior, my answer is this: As we advance in our careers, behavioral changes are one of the most significant changes we can make.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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