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    Question the Status Quo

    Question the Status Quo

    Most people want their lives to keep improving, yet they value peace and stability at the same time. People often forget that you can’t improve and still stay the same. Growth means change. Change requires challenging the status quo. If you want greater possibilities, you can’t settle for what you have now. When you become a possibility thinker, you will face many people who want you to give up your ambitions to reach higher heights and embrace the status quo.

    Top producers refuse to accept the status quo. So as you begin to explore greater possibilities for yourself and your real estate organization, take comfort in knowing that right now as you read this, other possibility thinkers across the country and around the world are challenging what’s possible in their market, their team, and themselves. They are challenging the status quo against the odds—and you should, too.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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