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    Receive Without Pride, Let Go Without Attachment

    Receive Without Pride

    During the breakdown of the Roman Republic, the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, Pompay gave Cato control of the entire military fleet. It was an incredible honor and an extremely powerful position for Cato. Days later, responding to the backlash of his jealous inner circle, Pompey reversed his decision and took Cato’s command away. ⠀

    Naturally, it could have been seen as an enormous public humiliation – to be given such a high-profile promotion and then have it taken away. However, Cato’s reaction was neutral. He responded to the honor and the dishonor the same way: with indifference and acceptance. ⠀

    Cato didn’t let the situation affect his support for the cause. In fact, after the snub, he worked to rally the soldiers before battle with inspirational speeches to the men who should have been under his command. ⠀

    “Receive without pride, let go without attachment.” means not taking the slights of the day personally—or the exciting rewards and recognitions either, especially when duty has assigned you an important cause. Rise and falls, triumphs and failures, winning and losing say nothing about you as a person. Only your behavior does.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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