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    Scarcity is an illusion

    Scarcity is an illusion

    Organizers tend to organize things by introducing systems. A ‘system’ is almost synonymous with an ‘organization’: a set of interrelated parts making up a whole. ⠀

    A system can refer to processes – orderly or structured ways of doing things – and social structures. Now you cannot run anything (even a sandwich shop) without systems: production systems, selling systems, financial systems, etc. In your real estate organization, there are a variety of systems you should already have in place, such as sales systems, administrative systems, or quality control systems. ⠀

    Top producers understand the importance and value of GOOD systems. Almost by definition, it is impossible to think of organizations that do not have systems or repeatable and predictable ways of doing things, despite it always not being immediately apparent. Top producers respect and work through the systems, changing them. But they are not bound by them, like prisoners shackled in chains. ⠀

    They know when a system is becoming counterproductive. Moreover, every system requires teamwork to make it effective. Therefore, it’s crucial that your team is on board with all systems in place and continually finding ways to improve the system where they see fit. Have you noticed, too, that systems do not learn? Only people learn! Indeed, left to themselves, systems are subject to one of the laws of thermodynamics: they run down and atrophy. To keep systems – the very essence of the business body – fit and healthy, good leadership and a responsive team at all levels are critical.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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