Coach Ken International

Success is Attracted

Success is Attracted

Everything you have in life – the tangible and intangible — is a direct result of who you are. When you become more than you currently are, you will attract more than you currently have. If you lost everything tomorrow, you would easily replace it all. Why? Because you acquired those things as a result of who you are. Assuming “what you are” has not changed, in time, you would attract back into your life everything you may have lost. The same applied knowledge, the same attitude, the same effort, and the same plan will always produce the same results.

Doing more is only part of the answer. The real answer lies in becoming more than you are so that your increased potential becomes an integral part of everything you do. That is how you transform to a higher level. You cannot have more without first becoming more. Success is attracted, not necessarily pursued.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken Internationa

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