Coach Ken International

Success must be attracted


Personal value is the magnet that attracts all good things into our lives: the greater your value, the greater your reward. Since the solution for having more is becoming more, you must constantly search for new ways to increase your value. Self-control, the practice of discipline, patience, planning, intensity of effort, the wise investment of a good portion of our results, the development of a well-balanced attitude, consistent activity, the gathering of knowledge, frequent reading and a sensible personal philosophy are all examples of ways in which your value can be increased.

The acquisition of more value is what you must pursue, not more valuables. Therefore, as a top producer, your objective must be to work harder on yourself and your business to provide more valuable – and in turn, you and your business will be more valuable. By giving careful attention to this philosophy, your attitude, and your activity, you will be making a positive contribution to what you are becoming, and in the process of becoming more than you now are, we will attract more than you currently have.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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