Coach Ken International

The First Step To Any Change Is Changing Your Mindset

Changing Your Mindset

The mind is truly a powerful thing. What and how you think can drastically alter your reality. The way you go through the motions of life, what you are willing to accept, and what you think you deserve – both personally and in business – is primarily governed by the condition of your thoughts.

The first step to any change is changing your mindset. Rather than identify with your mindset, be the observer – the watcher. Identify where you slipped off, honor your strengths and write down your weaknesses – those areas that are creating more problems than they are serving you. ⠀

You don’t change your mindset with one thought or two or three. It’s about continually adopting a new set of belief systems to a point where you’ve rewired it as your default line of thinking. You’ll be surprised at how your physical reality changes as a result. Positive self-talk leads to positive action resulting in positive change.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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