Coach Ken International

The Real Mistake

real mistake

As much as we’d like to think we learn from our mistakes the first time around, the truth is, everyone to some degree repeats mistakes. But that’s just part of being human. Mistakes can be behavioural, like being late to an appointment, or cognitive, like never planning ahead. You may say, “Next time, I won’t jump to conclusions,” but you may repeat those same thinking errors if you’re not careful. ⠀
If you want to avoid repeating a mistake, spend some time studying it. Set any negative feelings you might have aside, acknowledge the factors that led up to your misstep and learn from them. Look for an explanation without making an excuse.

Spend time to find the answers to the following questions: ⠀

What went wrong?

What could I have done better? ⠀

What can I do differently next time? ⠀⠀

Truly learning from each mistake requires self-awareness and humility, but it can be one of the biggest keys to reaching your full potential. ✌️

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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