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    Today vs Tomorrow

    Today vs Tomorrow

    Good leaders understand that what is focused on today – across the organization – paves the organization’s direction tomorrow. It requires breaking down many factors to assess whether the organization is aligned with the big picture vision while hitting monthly, quarterly, and yearly milestones. ⠀

    Good leaders regularly ask themselves these questions: ⠀

    ✔️ How do I anticipate and plan for the worst – and best-case scenarios? ⠀

    ✔️ How accurately have I predicted and assessed potential risks and benefits this year? ⠀

    ✔️ How well do I hold others accountable for adhering to the standards while achieving short-term goals? ⠀

    ✔️ How well do I relate my direct reports’ goals and standards to living the vision? ⠀

    ✔️ What have I noticed that I could do better to help my employees adhere to our standards? ⠀

    ✔️ How can I improve my performance in these areas?

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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