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    What An Impact That 1% Can Have!

    What An Impact That 1% Can Have!

    The top real estate agents and teams tend not to be 50% better than the lesser (but good) performers. Often, they are only 1% – 2% better. Successful athletes such as Tiger Woods are not 50% better than their peers. When you analyze their scores, there is often only a small difference in the percentage of results. But what an impact that 1% can have! It can make the difference between earning $100,000 in GCI a year or making $1,000,000. ⠀ ⠀

    So if you think that you’re pretty good at being an agent or running your own team or brokerage, I want to challenge you to look for that 1% – 2% that will take your craft to that next level. ⠀ ⠀

    I propose you do this by getting a coach that can truly maximize your potential to rise above your top-performing competition. A good coach digs deep into the reservoirs of your true capability to get the best out of you. As a result, you become more powerful, respectful, and effective while building unbreakable client relationships that can dramatically make a positive impact on every area of your real estate business. ⠀ ⠀

    My coaching model is surrounded by proven methods of the power of self-discovery, specifically for already successful real estate agents, teams, and brokerages. To get you from being good to great, in other words, to get you to attain that extra 1% that defines excellence.

    Ken Goodfellow
    Coach Ken International

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