Coach Ken International

What’s The Difference Between Failure And Defeat?

What’s The Difference Between Failure And Defeat?

What’s the difference between failure and defeat? These words may seem similar but in my world of business, they are different. Failure means you lost the battle, and you will have many battles as a business leader, defeat, on the other hand, means you lost the war. Often when you fail, you can get back up; defeat means you lost the ability to. In other words, failure, unlike defeat, leaves the door open to try again. ⠀ ⠀

Failure makes you smarter. Every failure presents an opportunity to learn. Find the lesson in the pain. What did you do wrong? What could have been better? Was it out of your control? The name of the game isn’t to avoid failure but to fail fast, learn fast, fail less, win, and repeat. ⠀ ⠀

Once your perspective changes, each situation connects you to the next one. You understand that risk brings you closer to success, even though it may take a few tries. Understand that failure is just an opportunity to learn a better way. With a new perspective, you’ll realize the door of success is often hidden behind the door of failure.

Ken Goodfellow
Coach Ken International

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