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    You May Not Want To Do This……

    But if you are looking forward to a productive year ahead, YOU HAVE GOT TO CONNECT!

    I am gobsmacked when I hear a real estate agent tell me they don’t like salespeople. Really! They don’t want to talk to them, they shut them down, they are rude to them etc. I really truly believe that our sales profession is honorable, essential, distinguished, and mostly respected.

    During the month of December, the opportunity to TOUCH people is everywhere. Now I don’t mean to touch in an inappropriate way, I mean to touch emotionally with real concern and thoughtfulness. And as salespeople it’s not just your job, its what you do! Telling me that you don’t like to talk about real estate with your relatives or friends is such crap. The so-called ‘secret agent’ is certainly alive and well, is on your team, in your office or it might even be you.

    During this month it’s pretty likely you will be in touch with everyone you know, either in person, on the phone, on a zoom cocktail party or live and in-person celebrating the season. The opportunity to connect is everywhere and it’s so easy. The “I don’t know what to say” crowd has no excuses. Talk to people, send them something, tell them how much they mean to you and your business. Always remember that your clients and part clients’ lives are richer (literally) because of you, and you are richer because of them.

    If these opportunities don’t seem to be present, then CREATE them! Here’s what I’m seeing this season and wow, I am all in.

    1- Localize Gift Giving. If you are giving (delivering) gift baskets, highlight local companies.

    2- Pay it Forward. Consider donating to a local charity that you know would mean a lot to your client or friend.

    3- Gift Cards to Local Businesses – This keeps everyone connected to what’s in our neighborhoods or community.

    4- Event with a Purpose – Focus on any event you are holding with donations of toys or food. Shifting values of the holidays to giving to those who need it the most.

    There is no question that my life is immeasurably more meaningful, exciting and more abundant because of the amazing people I work with every day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship and send you the warmest wishes of the season and the best that’s in store for 2024.

    *LET’S SOAR in 24*


    (You may have noticed that this blog was actually written by me without input from my wonderful copywriters. I trust no one is offended.)

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