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1-on-1 real estate coaching for agents and brokers who need expert guidance and systems to overcome the challenges they face in running a successful and profitable business.
- Break through your limits and achieve what you thought wasn’t possible.
- You are looking to build a high performing team.
- Have more leisure time while still achieving increased revenue.
- Run your team like a well-oiled machine with heightened operational efficiency.

The desire to build a team usually begins when a solo agent becomes massively successful. They work 24/7 to service clients and eventually realize that they desperately need help. Too many leads to follow-up on, too many buyers to work with effectively, no time to connect with sellers, and the solo agent is working nights and weekends all the time.
It makes sense to bring on new partners to help grow the business and to improve customer service. So why is it that so many teams are dysfunctional and make little to no money? Building a team that is profitable, with strong standards and work ethic, can be elusive and difficult to achieve. This is where a great business coach comes in.

Its no secret that a great coach can change your life. Professionals whether in sports, entertainment or business, who look to excel in their craft, know that their coach is priceless.
A business coach understands your business and has extensive experience in the real estate field. They have sold real estate. They have owned a real estate team or brokerage. They have a pronounced fiscal proficiency that relates to real estate.
Coach Ken works with successful real estate entrepreneurs and makes them extraordinary. Our verified coaching processes have been proven over 20 years with over 1000 teams

We recognize that not everyone is the right candidate for our services. You will begin your journey through a confidential interview with one of our expert coaches.

You will have a year long, one on one mentorship with Coach Ken where together you will develop and execute a strategic plan.

As CEO you must ensure that your sales team is productive, skilled and accountable to the team.

You will have access to your coach between your scheduled coaching calls. This is a fundamental piece to maximizing the effectiveness of your mentorship.

As you, the team leader, step back from everyday team activities, it requires your team culture to be sound and rock solid and supportive of your decision.

Your unwavering accountability to your coach should also be mirrored within your team.
Everyone is accountable to everyone on the team.

If your goal is to develop a new market, a new development, a charitable foundation or to spend more time with family, CEO coaching can make your dreams and ambitions a reality.

Coach Ken will help you to stretch your beliefs and your thinking. By stretching and expanding you will realize unlimited growth and success. Lets take this journey together.

International over the others?
Ken Goodfellow has been acclaimed as one of the top and most trusted real estate coaches in North America. He has extensive experience working with the “Who’s Who” in the real estate industry along with well known circuit coaches and brand leaders.
Having successfully owned, operated and sold his personal real estate brokerage and subsequently his real estate team, Ken has a proven track record to advise and coach others wanting to achieve unparalleled success.