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YOU NEED HELP! Growing your business does not just mean I'm going to work harder. In order to have sustainable, profitable growth you must know your numbers and know how subtle and dramatic changes will affect your business. Why not talk to one of our business experts to discuss your goals and how to reach them.
- You have budgets in place that you keep up to date and you review monthly :3
- You have projections of how much you will earn in the next 6 months :3
- You have a financial plan to follow if the market adjusts negatively or positively :3
- You have a professional managing your bookkeeping and accounting :3
- You have a deep understanding of the overall finances of your business :3
How can you possibly be successful without a strong handle on your marketing? The branding and marketing component of any business is critical and can often be overlooked due to complacency and the perceived legacy value or success in the past. If you are struggling with this, its time to seek help. Talk to one of our business experts and find out the path to successful marketing.
- You have a clear understanding of exactly who your target market is :3
- Your branding represents you, your business and appeals to your target market :3
- Your website is strategic, built with your business in mind and engages your target market. :3
- Your print and digital marketing materials are cohesive with your branding, website and goals :3
- Your general marketing easily separates you from your competition. :3
YOU NEED HELP!! While we truly believe that all partners on a team need to be responsible for some lead generation, its critical for the team to have a robust lead strategy that helps everyone complete more deals. Your team value proposition should have lead opportunities as a bonus and benefit to belonging. Your ability to help members convert these leads is essential as well. Its time to talk to a business expert. Find out how to make your team a lead magnet and a conversion machine.
- You have a high rate of repeat and referral clients :3
- You have a clear strategy in place for generating leads and an effective system for lead distribution :3
- You have systems in place to nurture leads and help partners convert. :3
- You are satified with the number of qualified leads you are generating for your business :3
- You have robust systems in place to track, follow-up and convert new leads :3
YIKES! You are likley doing 80+% of the business on your team. Most teams are started when the rainmaker has an abundance of leads and the leads start to fall through the cracks. If you are doing the vast majority of the transactions on the team, then having a team could be hurting you. The goal is to have well skilled partners who support you and the team. The question becomes did you hire the right people? What skills can i help them with? How do I do that? Lots of pieces here and there's no doubt that a call with one of our expert business coaches could be an eye opener. Reach out now and be prepared to change your life for the better.
- You have weekly or monthly skills training events with your team :3
- You attend industry realted conferences and events and share the learning objectives with your team :3
- You and your team are deeply knowledgable about your real estate market :3
- You set goals with everyone on your team (including staff) and ensure they are achieved and reviewed :3
- You are confident in the skill and training levels of everyone on your team. :3
YOU MUST GET THIS RIGHT! Your answers indicate that you have some work to do with regards to your culture. This is remarkably common and affects many teams. Your culture is the backbone of your business. NO team will ever grow easily or successfully when the culture is weak or absent. Building a culture is not easy and all must embrace what the team is about. With a well defined, strong and embraced culture, a team can excel and smash all the barriers to growth. Why don't you talk to one of our exerts and discover how you can make this happen for your team.
- You currently have the right people on your team and are confident they can help take you where you want to go :3
- Your have the ability to find and hire the best people when you need to add to your team :3
- You would describe yourself a great leader :3
- You have a clear mission statement that you and your team know well and that everyone works towards :3
- You are OK with difficult conversations with your team members :3
This NEEDS fixing! By not having strong systems that staff are well trained to use and are confident in the applications performance, there are huge barriers to growth. Our backend systems have changed dramatically over the past 10 years and paperless applications have taken off. This can be where a lot of businesses slide due to inadequate training and sloppy implementation. Everyone should be on board and know all systems and processes. This is a great opportunity for job sharing. If your business can not run smoothy without you, its time to fix it!
- You have processes in place that document your clients journey from point of contact through a completed transaction. :3
- You use current digital technologies as part of your day to day operations :3
- You have well documented systems for all aspects of your business and they are followed by all :3
- You conduct a review your systems, policies and proceedures anually and adjust as needed :3
- Your buiness would run smoothly if you were not there for an extended period of time :3
Schedule a complimentary business assessment and learn how you can transform your business to new levels of success with increased net profit and more efficiency while acquiring more time and freedom.