Coach Ken International

Have You Planned To Be Busy?

Have You Planned To Be Busy?

One of our recent questions was about whether you’ve taken any holiday time. We hope you did. The real estate industry kicks off every September, so it’s not uncommon to yearn for an impromptu fall holiday when the work starts piling up. Don’t settle into a reactive life; instead, teach yourself how to better plan your life so that you’re working less but earning more.

There are three key elements when it comes to taking vacation time so that you can relax without losing out on profits:

Time your vacations wisely

The busy season is typically in the fall and spring, so don’t plan to go away when you know you’ll be at your busiest. If you put in the work throughout October, November, and December, you’ll reap the rewards in January, February, and March.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to work the entire year to make a sizable profit – Ken coaches people who only work 200 days a year. Think about when you typically have the least work to do and aim to go on holiday at those times. Play smarter, not harder!

Plan your holidays in advance

This goes hand in hand with timing – if you know when a good time would be to go away, book it way in advance.

This gives you something to look forward to and allows you to stick to an intrinsic schedule so that you can wrap up any loose ends before you go away or delegate handling any issues that could arise. That way, you won’t spend half the time worrying about listings and buyers, you have and can enjoy the break.

Make sure you have support

People who comfortably take vacations during the work year can do so because they have a network of reliable people supporting them. Taking a break from work is so much easier when you know that another person can cover for you in case of an emergency or a sudden spike in business. You can relax knowing that someone else can do exactly what you would be doing.

Now you know how to plan your time off for the winter and summer well in advance, so hang in there and make the most of the fall busy season!

Fall is prime time for attending conferences, networking, and reaching out to people like past clients, friends and family, to remind them of what you can do for them. Send holiday greetings, gifts, and get out there and talk to people to set yourself up for success. Your time is valuable, so spend it wisely, Be picky about which conferences to attend, talk to everyone you know this holiday season.

Building a team that is profitable and has strong enough standards and work ethic to operate smoothly in your absence can be difficult. This is where a great business coach comes in. If you need a little one-on-one coaching to find ways to overcome these challenges, we can help!

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