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    Retention Plan

    Is a Retention Plan Really Necessary?

    Last week we asked: Along with your written recruiting plan, do you also have a written retention plan? The responses to the last question surprised me. YIKES! So many NOs. Do so many people really think a retention plan isn’t necessary? ...

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    New Hire

    How to Ruin a New Hire

    Last newsletter, I asked if you had a comprehensive onboarding program for hiring. The responses were split about 50/50 between yes and no. So, let’s spend a few minutes talking about why an onboarding program is an important part of keep...

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    Are You Making These Mistakes When Recruiting?

    If you have a real estate team or brokerage, you know that recruiting great talent is your key to success. I say it all the time: “You must create leverage to grow beyond yourself.”  Bringing on talented, passionate people will allo...

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    You May Not Want To Do This

    You May Not Want To Do This……

    But if you are looking forward to a productive year ahead, YOU HAVE GOT TO CONNECT! I am gobsmacked when I hear a real estate agent tell me they don’t like salespeople. Really! They don’t want to talk to them, they shut them down, they a...

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    Help Buyers and Sellers

    How to Help Buyers and Sellers Take The Next Step

    Last newsletter we asked the question: “What is the most effective strategy you are using right now to get sellers to move up or down, or to get buyers to take the leap in the market?” We got some great responses, thank you. As a wor...

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    Are You Prepared To Make Your Business Grow?

    Are You Prepared To Make Your Business Grow?

    This may seem like a simple question. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make your business grow? Because… If you’re not, it’s time to get out of the business. Now, stop yourself before you answer automatically because without...

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    Get In Touch

    A 30 Minute Call Could Change Your Life.
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    Discovery Call
    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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