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    Voyage of Discovery is Having New Eyes

    Often people arrive at conclusions too early. They scan a situation and default to their notions or conclusions too prematurely. This could be about people, success, failures, and current challenges or problems. ⠀ ⠀ I invite you to re...

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    Persistence Pays Off

    The seed to get from good to great is through consistent, everyday actions where you’re committed to the process but unattached to the result. Because great results are a byproduct of your disciplined efforts met with great processes and ...

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    A Vision Without Execution

    As the leader in your real estate organization, you will never stop adjusting your goals and behaviors to calibrate with market realities. Over time, the gradual yet continual evolution in strategies, priorities, systems, and, new hires can...

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    Ask Powerful Questions

    Ask Powerful Questions

    Top producers understand the benefits of asking questions over having answers. However, it’s not just about asking questions. It’s about asking questions that guide others to empowerment. Have you ever had an experience when someone ask...

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    Become a Good Observer

    Become a Good Observer

    One of the significant reasons real estate agents don’t perform as well as they should is because they just try to get through the day. A more worthy challenge is to try to get from the day. You ought to become sensitive enough to observe...

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    Strategy is Continually Moving

    Strategy is Continually Moving

    The assumption of sustainable advantage creates a bias toward stability that can be deadly. Rather than stability being the normal state of things and change being the abnormal thing, it is actually the other way around. Stability, not chan...

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    Ensuring a Fair Process in Your Family Business

    Ensuring a Fair Process in Your Family Business

    These structures and policies are important because business families typically do things almost reactively, or off-the-cuff, instead of more formally (the way nonfamily businesses usually have policies and procedures already in place). �...

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    Establish More Than a Wishlist - Coach Ken International

    Establish More Than a Wishlist

    Often, top producers formulate strategy and then broadcast key themes to the rest of their team or brokerage, expecting quick and definitive action. But even if you set a winning aspiration, your strategy can still fail—spectacularly— i...

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    Learn to Delegate

    Learn to Delegate

    Many top producers start as one-person armies. They think they can either do almost everything or think they are not in the position to hire anyone – especially superstars like them. Now, think of what just one top-producer, whether on th...

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    Attract Business Like a Magnet

    Attract Business Like a Magnet

    If you come from the place of truly wanting to serve your buyer or seller, then being a market expert-not just a product expert-means being more knowledgeable than any of your competitors. This is easy to do as most of your competitors will...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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