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    True Nature of A Challenge

    True Nature of A Challenge

    As a leader, it’s critical that you protect the optimism of all team members, whether it’s your agents or your administrative staff. When challenges arise, the first course of action is how to reframe the situation as an opportunity to ...

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    Stay Curious

    Stay Curious

    Success does not have to turn into complacency. Accept the challenge to be excellent rather than merely successful, and you won’t have to worry about staying on top once you get there! ⠀ After a certain level of success, it can be eas...

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    Obstacles in the way

    Every Obstacle is an Opportunity

    Overcoming obstacles is a discipline of three critical steps. It begins with how we look at the specific problem, our attitude or approach, and the energy and creativity to transform the obstacle into an opportunity. ⠀⠀ This is the c...

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    How to Be a Better Leader

    How to Be a Better Leader

    Two of the qualities a good leader must have are kindness and empathy. I’m not talking namby-pamby pushover—an empathetic leader also wears steel-toe boots and holds people accountable. They are an equal part teacher and taskmaster, dre...

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    Preparing for Success

    Preparing for Success

    Shooting for efficiency in your business without first getting organized is like trying to break the speed limit on a highway under construction. Potholes and roadblocks will fling you into a ditch before you get out of first gear. Being cl...

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    Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

    Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

    Execution is what separates the big dogs from those who stay at home, or better yet, from those who never leave the front porch. A life lesson that will remind you time and again is that acting now, even when it feels uncomfortable or unnat...

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    Success is Attracted

    Success is Attracted

    Everything you have in life – the tangible and intangible — is a direct result of who you are. When you become more than you currently are, you will attract more than you currently have. If you lost everything tomorrow, you would easily...

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    Delaying Gratification

    Delaying Gratification

    There are no shortcuts on the road to success, and reaching your full potential requires you to demonstrate willpower to resist short-term temptation continually. The ability to delay getting what you want now to get more later is instrumen...

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    Overcoming Obstacles

    Overcoming Obstacles

    Instead of “quitting” the job because things at times seem overwhelming, that obstacles needed to master and difficulties needed to be overcome, see the facts for what they truly are, that life itself is just a long series of mastering ...

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    Ask Why Before How

    Ask Why Before How

    When most people begin solving a problem or construct a plan to meet an objective, they often make the mistake of first trying to figure out how to accomplish it. Instead of asking the initial and critical question of “Why?” If you jump...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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