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    Move from Competition to Cooperation

    If you are asked to share your ideas, focus on the merit of your ideas, not the recognition. If you’re in a situation where you’re bringing people together to share thoughts, praise the idea more than the source of the idea. If you emph...

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    time seneca

    Wasting Time

    Leaders need time to think, time for people, and time to grow the business. Therefore they should be skilled managers of their own time. If you cannot organize yourself, how can you organize anyone or anything else? ⠀ Administering tha...

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    Portrait of a Great Thinker

    Portrait of a Great Thinker

    People often think that good thinking has to do with intelligence or the ability to solve a complex math problem or puzzle. I believe that good thinking isn’t just one thing. It consists of several specific thinking skills. And becoming a...

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    Being Disorganized is a Waste of Time

    Being Disorganized is a Waste of Time

    Take a hard and objective look at your business. Are you constantly pulled from one direction to another? Are you running around like a chicken with its head cut off? Do you wake up in the middle of the night because you just remembered som...

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    Listen Carefully to Find Subtext

    Listen Carefully to Find Subtext

    When you listen carefully, you pick up on the subtext, the subtle clues that reveal what is really important to the person. These clues come out as patterns in people’s language, repeated words, concepts, or feelings, or we may even disco...

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    Describe How your Business Operates

    Describe How your Business Operates

    When you put systems in place in your business, you do two things at once. First, you give yourself a break. You offer yourself a fail-safe, something that you can rely on in the event of your brain’s mutiny – occasionally, this happens...

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    Design Your Own Game Plan

    Design Your Own Game Plan

    Take a page from Bill Walsh’s book, a former head coach of the San Francisco 49ers. He came off as eccentric because of how extensively he planned his plays in advance of each game. Other coaches would respond to plays as the game unfolde...

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    Accept the People you Cannot Change

    Accept the People you Cannot Change

    Successful people continuously and relentlessly shift. Whether it’s in response to the market or their own goals, high achievers are constantly changing because they know to triumph in any situation, they must always do one thing – shif...

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    Go with the Choice that Scares you the Most

    Go with the Choice that Scares you the Most

    You can’t predict the future, and if there’s anything certain in life, it’s that curveballs will be thrown your way. You may be able to predict some of these curveballs, but you won’t be able to predict them all. ⠀ So how do yo...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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