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    Have You Planned To Be Busy?

    Have You Planned To Be Busy?

    One of our recent questions was about whether you’ve taken any holiday time. We hope you did. The real estate industry kicks off every September, so it’s not uncommon to yearn for an impromptu fall holiday when the work starts piling up...

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    5 Red Flags To Watch For When Joining A Mastermind

    5 Red Flags To Watch For When Joining A Mastermind

    When asked whether you felt Mastermind groups were valuable, boy did most respond positively in favor of them! It’s great news that so many people have had positive experiences with Mastermind groups instead of encountering a lot of red f...

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    This Six Question Test Checks Your Business Burnout

    This Six Question Test Checks Your Business Burnout

    It’s not uncommon that fatigue starts making itself felt around this time of year. Half the year has passed in no time at all, you’ve been working hard, it is vacation season, and you’re tired. If you let it get out of control, howeve...

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    Business Man Smiling

    3 Key Points to a Better Family Business

    A family business has its advantages and disadvantages – just like any other business. On one hand, you get to collaborate with family members to build a successful business together. On the other hand, separating work-life from family-life c...

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    serious man looking on the window

    Are You an Effective Coach with a Winning Team?

    You may think it strange that a business coach is asking you about your coaching skills. However, as a business leader, you have a responsibility to build and maintain a winning team of employees. Coaching in sports and coaching in business hav...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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