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    Top Producers

    Leadership is Serving Others

    Top producers serve. They serve people in their best interest and are motivated by the concerns of who they lead rather than a desire for personal glory. Top producers become and stay top producers because they see the unstoppable power of ...

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    Whatever it takes

    Adopt a Whatever-it-takes Mindset

    Top producers with great attitudes and whatever-it-takes mindsets usually exude energy and enthusiasm, fueling them to strive for excellence. The invisible line that separates those who get things done from those who merely dream about them...

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    Top producers Walk the Talk

    Top Producers Walk the Talk

    Remember, people follow those they trust, and they trust those who are consistent and predictable. It’s difficult to gain people’s trust in the first place, but one misstep and you can lose it. People want their leaders to be special an...

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    Stop Doing List

    Create “Stop Doing” Lists

    Challenge everyone on your team to make a “stop doing” list, which forces people to critically evaluate all their ordinary processes, tasks and meetings to understand which ones are outdated and a waste of time. This may bring extra wor...

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    Delegate to Domain Experts

    Real estate teams succeed when the team leader or broker understands the substance of a given issue. If you’re the leader of your real estate organization but not the best person to make a particular decision, either because you aren’t ...

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    The power of shared thinking

    The power of shared thinking

    Good thinkers, especially those who are also good leaders, understand the power of shared thinking. They know that when they value the thoughts and ideas of others, they receive the compounding results of shared thinking and accomplish more...

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    Embrace unpopular thinking

    Embrace unpopular thinking

    Popular thinking is comfortable. It’s like an old recliner adjusted to all the owner’s idiosyncrasies. The problem with most old recliners is that no one has looked at them lately. If so, they’d agree it’s time to get a new one! So ...

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    Creativity is a Probability Game

    Creativity is a Probability Game

    It’s common for entrepreneurs to become disheartened after the first couple of failures and stop trying new ideas, but the mark of a top producer is that failure is an essential part of success. Nature creates multiple species and lets a ...

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    Turning experience into insight

    Turning experience into insight

    When you were just starting out in your real estate career, did it seem that few people were willing to give someone without experience an opportunity? At the same time, could you see people who had been on their jobs twenty years who yet d...

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    Question the Status Quo

    Question the Status Quo

    Most people want their lives to keep improving, yet they value peace and stability at the same time. People often forget that you can’t improve and still stay the same. Growth means change. Change requires challenging the status quo. If y...

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    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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