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    The 80/20 Rule: The Top Producer’s Secret Weapon

    The 80/20 Rule: The Top Producer’s Secret Weapon

    As a real estate agent, it’s important to maximize the productivity of your efforts. Enter the 80/20 rule. Also called the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule states that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes and should be applied t...

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    7 Immutable Qualities of Great Leadership

    7 Immutable Qualities of Great Leadership

    Got a real estate business that you’re ready to take up the ladder of success? Focused on becoming the authority in your industry and not sure if you have what it takes? Being an effective leader is key, so here are the immutable traits gre...

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    The #1 Job of a Real Estate Leader

    The #1 Job of a Real Estate Leader

    This is the #1 job of a Real estate leader. Success or failure depends on this one thing. As THE leader in your real estate team or brokerage, your first job is clarity. YOU are the one who must decide what needs to be done. If you are n...

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