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    Partnership & Family Business Coaching

    1 on 1 Coaching
    Partnership & Family Business
    Where we help you build and grow your partnership and family-owned business.

    Unleash the potential of your partnership and family business and pass on a legacy that will last for generations. Our program provides the skills and strategies to overcome challenges and position your business for lasting success.

    • Developing a clear vision and mission for your partnership and family business.
    • Creating a strong and cohesive partnership and family business structure.
    • Implementing effective communication strategies for partners, family and non-family employees.
    • Establishing sound financial management practices.
    • Identifying and managing potential conflicts between partners and family members.
    Thriving Together: Succession Planning and Harmonious Growth

    The Partnership and Family Business Coaching Program is a comprehensive coaching service designed to help partnerships and family-owned businesses thrive in today’s competitive environment. The program is designed to address the unique challenges faced by partnerships and family businesses, such as navigating family dynamics, succession planning, and balancing family and business priorities. Our program provides personalized advice and assistance from experienced business coaches, catering to each unique family’s needs.

    From developing sound strategies and effective communication techniques to successfully resolving conflicts or planning for the future – our team of experts are here to help you get where you want your family business to go. With the help of this program, families are afforded a unique chance to ensure that their business and relationships remain thriving for generations. It’s an invaluable opportunity to build something lasting – forging strong foundations from which future success can grow.

    Success Factors for Partnerships and Family Businesses

    Partnerships and family businesses have been around for centuries and are an important component of the global economy.
    Here are some key points to consider about partnerships and family businesses, including why they can be successful and why they may fail:

    Success Factors for Partnerships and Family Businesses:
    • 1 Strong Relationships: Partnerships and family businesses often have a strong foundation built on relationships, trust, and shared values that can help them weather tough times and adapt to change.
    • 2 Long-Term Focus: Partnerships and family businesses typically have a long-term focus that allows them to make strategic decisions and investments for the future rather than just focusing on short-term gains.
    • 3 Sense of Ownership: Partners and family members who are actively involved in the business have a sense of ownership and personal investment in the business’s success, which can drive them to work harder and be more committed.
    • 4 Flexibility: Partnerships and family businesses are often more flexible than non-family businesses, which allows them to respond quickly to changes in the market, take risks, and innovate.
    • 5 Expertise and Experience: Many family businesses have been passed down through generations, which means they have a wealth of expertise and experience that can be leveraged to make informed decisions and navigate challenges.
    Reasons for Failure in Partnerships and Family Businesses:
    • 1 Poor Communication: One of the biggest challenges for partnerships and family businesses is maintaining clear and open communication between partners and family members, which can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and, ultimately, the failure of the business.
    • 2 No Succession Planning: If family members do not have a clear plan for who will take over the business when the current owner retires or passes away, it can lead to power struggles, resentment, and even the collapse of the business.
    • 3 Lack of Professionalism: Some partnerships and family businesses may struggle with maintaining professional standards and processes, which can limit growth and make it difficult to attract and retain top talent.
    • 4 Financial Mismanagement: Family businesses may sometimes prioritize family members over the financial health of the business, which can lead to poor financial decisions and ultimately, bankruptcy.
    • 5 Resistance to Change: Partnerships and family businesses that are resistant to change may struggle to keep up with evolving market trends and consumer preferences, which can lead to a decline in sales and profitability.
    What Our Clients Have To Say
    Over the course of our 25+ years, Ken Goodfellow has coached countless real estate agents and teams across North America.
    Features What You Get In
    Partnership & Family Business Coaching
    Initial Interview
    Initial Interview

    We recognize that not everyone is the right candidate for our services. You will begin your journey through a confidential interview with one of our expert coaches.

    Staffing & Administration
    Staffing & Administration

    Ken will review all staff positions, along with job descriptions. You will be given high level HR support that will keep your team streamlined and effective.

    Strategic Plan
    Strategic Plan

    Ken will spend time developing an implementation strategy for your team and will guide you with effective execution.

    Recruiting & Talent Attraction
    Recruiting & Talent Attraction

    All companies and teams need talented individuals who support the vision of the Team Leader or Broker/Owner. Ken will guide you on how to craft your ‘Value Proposition’ and selection of exceptional candidates.


    Ken will perform an in-depth review of your current systems and assist with development of new and highly effective systems in the realm of business operations, marketing, and customer experience.

    Profit & Loss
    Profit & Loss

    Ken will ensure your financial statements are designed to ensure clarity and efficacy. As business coaches we believe in healthy, profitable companies and we understand how to maximize your profit margins.


    Your success as a leader is a critical component of any highly successful team. Your coach will add an extra set of eyes on your day to day leadership ability and help guide you with skills to communicate your vision and culture.


    Ken will audit and review your current marketing systems and provide insight with proven marketing strategies that will drive more business.

    Lead Generation & Conversion
    Lead Generation & Conversion

    Ken will guide you to strong lead generation accompanied by skilled conversion procedures which will have a dramatic effect on profitability and team satisfaction.

    Team & Agent Performance
    Team & Agent Performance

    Ken will guide you on how to track and measure the most important performance metrics for you agents and your team as a whole.

    More Features What You Also Get
    You also get a wealth of updated online resources and exclusive networking opportunities for you to stay on top of your game.
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    Online document library for all members.
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    Monthly group calls with members across North America.
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    Annual events at five star resorts.
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    Options for an in office strategy session with Coach Ken.
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    Connect and collaborate other team leaders for referrals and sharing
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    Private Whatsapp groups for instant answers.
    1 on 1 Coaching
    Why Coach Ken
    International over the others?

    Ken Goodfellow has been acclaimed as one of the top and most trusted real estate coaches in North America. He has extensive experience working with the “Who’s Who” in the real estate industry along with well known circuit coaches and brand leaders.

    Having successfully owned, operated and sold his personal real estate brokerage and subsequently his real estate team, Ken has a proven track record to advise and coach others wanting to achieve unparalleled success.

    Get In Touch

    A 30 Minute Call Could Change Your Life.
    Schedule A
    Discovery Call
    All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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