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    The 3 Keys of Billionaire Agents


    Learn the proven strategies, systems and tactics to scale your real estate organization like a CEO

    In this FREE definitive guide you will learn to:
    • Craft a compelling, crystal clear vision to stay ahead from your present and future competitors.
    • Enhance your service by understanding exactly what motivates your customer.
    • Unite your team to reach milestones easier and reduce confusion along the way.
    • Develop a unique, competitive value proposition that persuades your prospects.
    • Gain fresh industry insights to better understand how you can bulletproof your business from your competition and future trends.

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      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Chapter 1 Vision
      • Get crystal clear on what your organization’s vision should include.
      • Learn to craft a compelling, clear vision that inspires everyone in your organization.
      Chapter 2 Core Values
      • Know the 4 key core value elements your organization should have if you’re looking to grow your business
      • Understand the winning combination of “preserve the core and stimulate progress”
      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Chapter 3 Core Customer
      • Understand the root of your customer’s motives, buying decisions, values and risks so you can tailor sales presentations based on their customer profile.
      • Gain awareness of your business's internal and external operations to address your customer’s motives and inspire opportunities to improve your service.
      Chapter 4 Value Proposition
      • Learn the 5 characteristics of a great value proposition.
      • Craft a unique, powerful, and persuasive value proposition that can be used in all aspects of your marketing and sales presentation.
      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Chapter 5 S.W.T
      • Understand why as a business owner S.W.O.T does not provide the full picture and why to replace it with S.W.T instead.
      • Get a fresh, modern perspective on how you should calculate Strengths, Weaknesses and Trends in your industry to position your business for longevity.
      Chapter 6 Accountability & KPIs
      • Sustain superior results from your organization across all departments.
      • Gain insight on how you can quantify individual performance in a way that can motivate your team to work more efficiently and exceed expectations.
      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Scaling Your Real Estate Business
      Chapter 7 Milestones
      • Set clear, tangible milestones to anchor your business vision for lasting success.
      • Use a data-driven approach with your milestones as the ultimate way to benchmark success.
      What Our Clients Have To Say
      Over the course of our 25+ years, Ken Goodfellow has coached countless real estate agents and teams across North America.

        Your information is kept safe and secure and we do not share your information with anyone.

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        All businesses have issues. Whether its profitability and team splits, your systems, team performance and accountability, administrative support, or anything else, it helps to know what should change and some suggestions on how to go about making those changes. Book Now!

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